Martin, who are you now?
Remember that Hot Dog/Home Depot idea that once existed? It still exists (legally on paper), but was abandoned about 3 months and 2 fortnights ago. I had to swallow my pride and ditch the plan because I realized I didn't want to spend 3 or 2 years investing in something that could only provide money, but not a real future. I have yet to be brave enough to tell the blog world of this fact for fear of getting the question "so martin, what are you doing now?" Which my answer up until today would have been "daily push-ups (orange sherbet flavored) " or "occasionally substitute teaching for middle schoolers that thought I was the coolest guy ever solely because I wasn't someone's mom". In other words, nothing. But finally I can answer that question with dignity: I am working for Penske Truck Rental. Now when I meet a stranger, I have something to define me, I have an identity. Although I sorta like the "I'm Martin the Management major at UGA" identity better... ('martin, the kindergartener who was good at kick ball' was the all-time best)