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Speaking of lists to the fourth degree, ever heard of the 4 Spiritual Laws? I’ve never liked them because they’re not completely accurate and they miss the point. I’ll argue with you about them later if you’d like. Cancel that, let’s do it now. We’ll just take Law #1: God loves you and has a great plan for your life. Flaw 1) What if you already have a decent plan for your life.....then why would you need God? Flaw 2) although that statement is true, the fact that it is mentioned in all 4 'spiritual laws' seems to imply a "God exists to bring about your story" theme rather than a “God is at work to bring about His Kingdom and you can be along for the ride” theme (which seems to be much more in line with the Bible's message).
Anyways, I recently heard someone explain the Gospel in what he called "the 4 REAL Spiritual Laws”. Even though the emphasis on ‘REAL’ seemed pious, nevertheless he was right, and I loved them. It was brilliant because of how concise, accurate, beautiful, and true they are. I shall pass them along to you:
1) God is God
2) You aren't
3) Sin is getting 1) and 2) confused
4) Jesus came to take care of 3) and straighten us out on 1) and 2)
Anyways, I recently heard someone explain the Gospel in what he called "the 4 REAL Spiritual Laws”. Even though the emphasis on ‘REAL’ seemed pious, nevertheless he was right, and I loved them. It was brilliant because of how concise, accurate, beautiful, and true they are. I shall pass them along to you:
1) God is God
2) You aren't
3) Sin is getting 1) and 2) confused
4) Jesus came to take care of 3) and straighten us out on 1) and 2)
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