Top Fears: Public Speaking, Death, Toll Booths

I drove down to Florida this past week to visit my relatives whom I only get to see 30 minutes a year. The one problem about driving down there is the toll booths. The 'problem' with toll booths is not that they cost money and slow you down, the problem is how much I suck at making it through there without being embarrassed. You got two types of toll booths: one with an attendant there to give you change, and the unattended one where they have a basket-funnel-like thing for you to throw your quarters in. The past 3 times I've encountered the basket-funnel-like booth, I've thrown my quarters and missed. I'm forced to get out of my car, look at the traffic behind me, find the quarters, and try to dunk them back in the basket before the horns start honking.
So as I'm driving up to my first toll booth, I'm thinking of my history with them, how I need to concentrate, and how I will later blog about this ridiculous quirk of mine. This particular toll requires $.75. Sure enough, after siking myself up, I launch the quarters in the air into the basket...two make it, one misses. Hating myself, life, and toll booths, I get out of the car to retrieve the quarter. As I'm outside of my car, I could have sworn that I heard some guy call out from a distant car behind me "It's all in your head!"
But the more I think about it, I probably just 'thought' I heard it.
At the next two toll booths, I pulled up as close as possible to the basket, and actually reached my arm into the basket to place the quarters. So that doesn't really count. I have yet to conquer the toll booth.
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