
Just passin' through

Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm starting to enjoy being around people more

At Wolseley Recruiting Program in Kansas City March 21-22, these are some of the people I met; my encounters with them were incredibly fascinating to me for some reason.

Guy from Nigeria, Daree, been in the states for 6 years to go to college in Texas. In a room of 200+ people, he wasn't afraid to ask a stupid question, and then didn't seem phased when people gave him the dumb-question-look. I got to chat with him for about 45 min. To me, he seemed completely free to be himself more than I've ever seen any American.

Guy from Colorado State Univ. was stereotyped by myself as being too cool for school. He was a pretty boy, bad-ass, who wore sunglasses on his head while indoors. Out of the 70+ people I personally chatted with, he ended up being the guy I hung out with and got along with most.

Guy from Chicago, Glen, had never heard of Chick-fi-la or the concept of Sweet Tea. Yes, he's lived in America his whole life. No, he was not home schooled.

Guy who was my guy, looked like he played football in his hay-day, well liked by everyone. While in our room, I said "You go ahead to the reception, I'm going to be late b/c I have to poop." He insisted that he waited on me so he wouldn't have to walk down there by himself. Meaning he would rather look bad by being late than have the feeling of being alone. I point this out not to put him down, but it makes these people I often find intimidating, more real and human.


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