Myself when I was 8 years old: "I will never be friends with someone who cusses."
After recalling this memory, I have three thoughts:
1) My how things have changed
2) What a lame-o. Why didn't he get beat up more.
3) How come I was convinced that the greatest sin one could commit was saying a cuss word? And even so, why was I convinced that being a friend to sinners (as if i wasn't one) was bad? Oh yeah, I went to a Christian school.....And I was 8.
But still, that makes me disappointed in my church, my school, and somewhat my parents that the Gospel was so rarely taught, that I could come away making such a bold statement. I'm sure that if there was more of an emphasis on being taught the Gospel, I may have thought that 8yr old thought, but I would have known better than to proclaim it so boldly. How come sin was explained as cussing, disobeying parents, being mean, complaining, and not getting good grades instead of what sin really is? Was it bad theology or did people have alterior motives? It makes me wonder if those three areas of influence used Christianity more as a way of control and discipline than a means to know God. But then again, I was 8.
After recalling this memory, I have three thoughts:
1) My how things have changed
2) What a lame-o. Why didn't he get beat up more.
3) How come I was convinced that the greatest sin one could commit was saying a cuss word? And even so, why was I convinced that being a friend to sinners (as if i wasn't one) was bad? Oh yeah, I went to a Christian school.....And I was 8.
But still, that makes me disappointed in my church, my school, and somewhat my parents that the Gospel was so rarely taught, that I could come away making such a bold statement. I'm sure that if there was more of an emphasis on being taught the Gospel, I may have thought that 8yr old thought, but I would have known better than to proclaim it so boldly. How come sin was explained as cussing, disobeying parents, being mean, complaining, and not getting good grades instead of what sin really is? Was it bad theology or did people have alterior motives? It makes me wonder if those three areas of influence used Christianity more as a way of control and discipline than a means to know God. But then again, I was 8.
My thing was: I will never be friends with someone who watches Fraggle Rock.
As a non-cable watcher (my parents never had, nor have now, cable and highly disaprove of most shows on it), parochial school kid, I equated that show (and Nickelodeon) as like a gateway show to the Den of Iniquity.
Didn't realize Christians even watched that show until high school. So sad.
damn son, you have come a long way.
Actually, i was convinced of similar things. I remember going to serve at a homeless shelter when I was thirteen and the minister asking the homeless folks if they wanted to accept the gospel. I remember thinking these people are so screwed up that there is no way....Ha, kinda funny, kinda not.
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