For there I long to be
So I pray: "God, you give grace to the weary. I'm supposed to come to you when I am weary. I have no clue what this looks like...what does 'coming to you' look like? What does 'laying all my burdens down at your feet' look like? And what's supposed to happen when I do? Do you fix the problem? I don't really expect you to make the problem go away. I don't think that's how you work. Can I still come to you if I'm not a victim but one who is guilty? So God, I have no clue what I'm supposed to do, how Jesus is supposed to encourage me in this situation, but I 'lay this burden at your feet' anyways. All I know is that I need you, b/c I got nothing."
Even though I didn't know what to say, and doubted anything happening in the first place, I had this rare peace for the rest of the day, including through my incredibly hectic day at work. I was in a great mood for no reason. I was quite shocked really. Praise be to God that he is real and is better than we expect.

"What sweet invitations, the gospel contains,
To men heavy laden, with bondage and chains;
It welcomes the weary, to come and be blessed,
With ease from their burdens, in Jesus to rest."