
Just passin' through

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Worth every bit of the 20.22 minutes

I've always wondered why America is so depressed. There are 300 million prescriptions for Prozac filed each year in the US. What's the deal with that? It makes sense why Japan is depressed...presumably because of the intense pressure to succeed often put on by upholding the family name. But in America, you can do whatever you want, you can choose to be rich or not rich, choose to live in one city or another, even choose whether you want your parents to be your parents or not....and if none of this works out, we have tons of resources available to help fix our problem or help us get better. So why the 300 million prescriptions? I think Barry Schwartz sheds light on some of this. If youtube is being gay, here's the link to the actual TedTalks website:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It cracked me up hearing him talk about the jeans, because I spent time yesterday on a quest for a good bathing suit. This should have represented treasured time, that a Mom of 5 gets to spend, doing something for herself, but 30-something bathing suits later, I really did believe that I should be in possession of bathing suit perfection. ;)

12:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why I'm not in line for an iPhone. I would be only disappointed when a better version is released next year. So, I'd rather have no iPhone than an iPhone that disappoints me. Even though, at worst - they're the coolest thing invented.

There's about 2, maybe 3, bazillion other comments I could make about this, but I'll keep it to this: Given what you've heard about choice & human nature, it shows how problematic it is to market Jesus or the Christian culture or a specific church as another product to improve our lives. People will create a subjective set of expectations that will inevitably be undermined by our sinful lives in a fallen world. Jesus IS 'the real thing', but if he's pitched as the distributor of prosperity & pleasure & happy, well-behaved children & the safe, secure, suburban quality of life - a lot of people will only connect disappointment - with Christ.

Oh - and I'm sure some raccoon has a blog post saying, "Some dude almost stepped on me. 12th scariest moment of my life".

10:27 AM  
Blogger Martin said...


david, man you are dead on about the whole marketing Jesus thing. I feel like I've marketed Jesus to myself and am often disappointed....not because Jesus doesn't satisfy, but because there's so much we can't experience until heaven. Thanks for saying all that.

8:37 PM  

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