
Just passin' through

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Not for children under 4

"Evangelical Christian women are twice as likely to experience orgasms in sex than non-Christian women. - (some secular psychology magazine i think)

My first reaction to hearing this: Yes!
My second reaction to hearing this: Of course that's true.

I care to discuss my second reaction.

Why is this true? If I was thought to have any clue about this topic and was asked to write an essay about it, this is what my limited knowledge would say:

Christian or non-Christian, girls enjoy sex (like i know what i'm talking about) more when:
-the guy is incredibly in to them
-the sex is not meaningless
-there is more intimacy
(all of these are sort of related)

This makes so much sense to me why non-Christians females aren't enjoying it as much. The world and the media preach that sex isn't special, it's something you do with someone who turns you on, that's it. As evidenced by every single movie where the couple meets, hits it off, and has sex on that first or second night. Or a movie like Superbad where the guys need to hurry up and have sex in high school so that they won't be rookies when they have it all the time in college.
Result: meaningless sex

They say chivalry is gone. No where do we see men treating women with respect without them getting something in return. Therefore even love making becomes all about you, not about the other person. It's all about what they can do for you. For guys, it often becomes just about 'getting off.'
Result: The guy's not that much in to the girl unless he can get something from it

It's not cool to love your wife, to romance her. They say being a 'man' is spending all your free time watching football. Being a 'man' is not being tied down. Saying 'no' to the guys so you can spend quality time with your wife is considered 'being whipped.'
Result: Guys don't spend time increasing intimacy

Interestingly, the only places I've seen where sex is valued, selfless romancing is encouraged, the goal is to serve the other, and love is defined as more than just a God's Word.

Honestly, Christian guys aren't much better at this....but apparently enough to make Christian women twice as likely know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you been reading my notes for this week's sermon in Genesis 2?

I really believe the church has to figure out a way to communicate sexuality with an overtly positive message that communicates that sex belongs to the Christian as much as the non-Christian, probably even more so since God designed it to work a particular way.

10:14 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

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8:04 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

"a movie like Superbad where the guys need to hurry up and have sex in high school so that they won't be rookies when they have it all the time in college."

YES. This post really echoes in my heart as being so true.

It's the inherent duplicity in our culture. Everyone eggs us on to make decisions that will destroy the possibility of getting what we really want (intimacy).

8:16 PM  

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