
Just passin' through

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Isaiah .0006

For the past few years, myself and a few others have been praying for God to work a miracle in our friend's life. Deep down, I don't believe God will (or can) do what I've been begging him to.

The other day I get a phone call telling me about our friend. The miracle happened. What an answer to prayer. God is the only reason this could have happened.

So that's cool to see God answer prayer, but what was interesting was my gut reaction when I heard all this on the phone:
I immediately wanted to drop the phone, get on my knees right there on the Penske building fire escape steps, and repent. Not repent just of doubting God, but repent just for existing. Repenting for everything about me that hasn't screamed glory to God 24/7 every day of my life.

You would think my first reaction would be excitement, or that I'd want to immediately thank God, or that I'd first want to say sorry to God for doubting him. But instead the first thing I think of is wanting to crawl into a ball and hide b/c of the strong sense that I'm in the presence of an incredibly holy and frighteningly powerful God.


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