Retired Nomadic Mechanic?

A familiar, normal, non-religious, sane, credible customer came in to Penske's rental office on Monday to turn in his rental truck and said to me "man, you're not going to believe this story. i swear you won't believe what happened yesterday (sunday)." is his story:
"So in the middle of our run, the truck's brake pressure went out. We had to pull over on the side of the road. I call my boss to tell him we're stuck as my compadre walks into the woods to pee. As he walks back to the truck, an old man with a cane walks out of the woods...keep in mind, we're in the middle of nowhere...there isn't an exit within miles. He comes up to me and says 'something wrong with u're brakes?' I was like 'yeah, how'd you know.' The man walks behind the truck and touches the brakes for like 5 seconds. I'm standing to where I can view the brake pressure gage inside the truck. As he touches the brakes, the break pressure rises to 'full'. The guy walks straight back into the woods before we could get his name. We shouted out thanks, but I don't even know if he really heard us. Dude, we were freakin out. Can you believe that??"
"Dude, I believe you."
Dude, please send the angel mechanic to the White house (OUR White house). We had two cars in the shop yesterday. And we were overdrawn before the fiasco started. =/
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