
Just passin' through

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I hate to use the label "my hero" because it sounds like something lame a damsel in distress would say. But there's a man named Sonny, a 41 yr old father/husband who works with my roommate at Liberty Mutual as a claims adjuster...he is my hero.

He invests in people the way I think Jesus would, and the way I wish I did.
-He has an incredibly non-glamorous job, especially for someone at his stage in life.
-He makes it a point to spend time with his nephews weekly.
-He goes to heavy metal rock concerts (even Ozzfest).
-He still romances his wife.
-People at work know he's a Christian, everyone loves him, and everyone comes to him with their personal problems b/c they know he cares and listens.
-He talks about Jesus often and is currently going through Mere Christianity with two non-Christians from his work.
-He and his wife invite my roommate, myself, and several other guys from his work over for dinner about once a month.

I do not have a wife or kids, yet I still feel like I have no free time. So I end up hoarding it, hesitant to give it to other people. Sonny has much less than I, but gives it freely and purposefully...and interestingly is one of the happiest people I know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In light of your post, you need to give up some of your time and go to Memphis.

9:56 AM  

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