Dear Ladies

What ticks me off about all the women's magazines is that they have helped create one of the biggest lies around today: girls must have this skinny, perfect figure, or they are physically flawed. The second lie is that this is pretty much what all guys want. As a result, you have a generation plagued with eating disorders, insecurity, and an obsession for physical beauty. I will try to destroy some of the myths that most girls believe are fact.
1) Every female I've ever met thinks "I could lose 5lbs." Yes, even the skinny girls say that. When honestly, let's say of all the girls I know in RUF, there may be 4 that I could see them being prettier if they lost a few pounds. That's 4 girls...not 140. When I walk in to the crowded Snelling Dining hall, I will probably find more girls that need to gain weight than need to lose weight.
2) Other girls see those tanned, bleach-blonde haired, girls with a decent amount of make-up on and think "those girls are what most guys want." Which makes sense because you mainly see those fake looking girls getting hit on all the time by guys. The truth is that those girls are hit on mainly because their tanning-bed tan, caked-on make-up face sends guys a message that says "I am easy!" So guys go for these girls, not because they actually find them more attractive and beautiful, but because they just want to get some play. In my opinion, most guys I've known seem to desire a tad bit of make-up or no make-up at all. Guys would much rather date a Sandra Bullock than a Pamela Anderson.
3) A friend of mine is always conscious of her big hips even though she is a physically fit girl. Other girls would agree with her that big hips are unattractive. I beg to differ. Yes there are guys who would find big hips unattractive as well, but there's an equal amount of guys who either are completely indifferent to the big hips or actually find it attractive. The same goes with most of girls' physical traits. The physical flaws that girls claim to have are really just like any given pro-baseball have guys that are bothered by that team, guys that are indifferent to that team, and guys who love that team. There's no one baseball team that everyone hates nor one that everyone loves. "But obviously the majority of guys are attracted to physical trait X more so than physical trait Y", you may say. Ok, I'll grant you that. However, to carry the baseball analogy further, yes there are more Yankees fans than Pirates fans, but you still have freakin' 350,000 Pirates fans. And if you can't be satisfied with the 350,000 Pirates fans, you wouldn't be satisfied with having the numerous Yankees fans either.
If any girls are actually reading this right now, you are probably thinking as you read these 3 myths "well i am probably one of those girls in the dining hall that needs to lose weight....yeah i know, but if i was tanner and bustier, i would get more guys (yes i would be attracting shallow guys, but that doesn't matter b/c what I'm really after is a self-esteem boost).....ok, but have you seen my thighs, they're huge; no guy is attracted to those." Isn't it sad what years of brainwashing can do? Ladies, I promise you that your physical flaw(s) is a much bigger deal in your eyes than in others'.
Hey, Martin,
Lemme know if this post gets you any dates. If so, I might try an "Up with fat girls!" post on my own blog.
Jason, you are so insensitive sometimes...
Martin, thanks for what you wrote. But now I'm going to go exercise because of that Cosmo picture. Kidding (sorta).
"Better is open rebuke than hidden love."
--Solomon, Proverbs 27:5
Libby read this post out loud during roommate time, and the Easy Girls give it 10 thumbs way up!
... plus Patrick.
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