
Just passin' through

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Santa Claus = Lying to your children...

Man, that’s a tough one. I don’t know what I think about that. But apparently I have enough thoughts to compose a blog post about it (by the way, there was a real Santa Claus in the 200s; a bishop named Nicholas; great story; I own the cartoon movie).

Pros and Cons of kids believing in Santa Claus (in paragraph form):
Fact: you are lying to your kids about Santa Claus’ existence. Which this may or may not be a big deal, but consider this... One day you will break it to your kids that all logic is actually correct: Santa Claus is not real. From that day on, how can you expect your kids to trust you with anything important ever again. You deceived them once, why couldn’t you do it again? Another anti-Santa point would be that it glorifies consumerism and it makes the child more self-centered. Doesn’t it seem wrong that the 9-yr old gets 38 presents from Santa/parents, but he didn’t bother getting his parents a single present. And interestingly, his parents didn't get any presents from Santa either. But 99.9% of the time, the child never notices this because he/she’s too consumed with what THEY are getting (Yes, this is OK for a child who's 4, but I think you're allowed to start giving and learn to not be self-absorbed when you turn 6).
On the other hand, parents that are pro-Santa Claus for more reasons than just the fact that every kid on the street is doing it or because they've never considered not doing it, have some decent reasons to have their kids believe in Santa. One, believing in Santa definitely helps develop the imaginative, creative side of their mind. Two, the trust thing isn’t a good point, because hopefully the trust your child has in you has been built up over the years and doesn’t rest simply on Santa Claus. Three, believing in Santa only takes the focus off of Jesus' birth if you let it. It's possible to glorify one much more than the other.

Conclusion 1: As to what I will do with my kids, check back after I have a wife and have consulted with her.

Conclusion 2: My mom still writes ‘From Santa’ on all my wrapped presents. I will some day break it to her that I know it’s her handwriting.

Conclusion 3: When you stop believing in Santa Claus is when you start getting clothes for Christmas.


Blogger Trevor Williams said...

I agree with you, man. I think Santa is a consumerist ploy. Not that I won't let my kids enjoy the party. I already have the wife and have had the conversation, and she seems bent on perpetuating the lie. Good seeing you at the party the other night.

1:29 AM  

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