
Just passin' through

Friday, July 21, 2006

Microwave Madness

Yeah I just learned how a microwave works the other day. Apparently, the microwave just causes the atoms of the food to vibrate rapidly which makes it heat up. Craziness.

And some microwave tricks for the whole family:
1) put one Easter Marshmellow Peep in (it turns into a real duck)
2) put a CD that you don't want in the microwave shiny-side-up for 3 seconds (sheer coolness occurs)
3) put popcorn kernals in a concealed bag in for 2 minutes (it comes out popcorn!)
4) stick a fork inside a paper bag doused with gasoline and watch house go down in flames (must have a house you don't want anymore)

yeah after a week of no posts, this is what i finally come up with?


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