
Just passin' through

Monday, July 10, 2006

God pursues the ungodly

Ben Coppedge, the future RUF intern, shared an experience I myself often have. I fail daily. But fortunately, my guilt does not last long. Seeing my spiritual suckiness actually often ends in great joy and peace. He articulated it better than I could ever hope to:

As for me...I'm undone all over again when I look up from the pigsty of my defiled heart and see a familiar Shepherd who will not leave me regardless. My initial response to my sin is usually to tense up, feeling the sentence of guilt and condemnation that my conscience always hands down. So I run to hide thinking I am again in the presence of the Holy Judge. But in the course of running away, through one way or another, this Shepherd always directs my eyes to His hands...His scars...and in a rush of gut-wrenching gladness I remember that I'm not being pursued by a Judge, but by the Triune God who still seeks and saves the lost, even when they keep running away.


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