I'm done
As much as I've enjoyed utilizing this blog as an outlet to post thoughts that would rarely come up in normal conversation yet must get off my bosom, the blog has come to an end. There are better things to do with time. People to invest in, books to read, tanning beds to lie in, christmas thank-you notes to write, teeth to brush, olympics to watch on repeat, pyramid schemes to get involved in, and other much better blogs to read. I feel like I've wasted 80% of my free time over the past year, and now with my new job (i forgot to blog about my promotion), I have much much less. Although a useful outlet, this blog also can feel like a responsibility. Not because people demand posts, but because I demand affirmation.....the need to put something out there and it not be rejected (most of the time). I am unable to blog and not have that lingering in the background behind every post. It's time to let it go. May none of us waste our lives serving ourselves. God bless. Hugs not drugs. Keep in touch. Go dawgs.