
Just passin' through

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Prom Queen Phenomenon

Situation: The prom queen, who also got the superlative for best looking....Some guy comes up to her and tells her she is beautiful...her heart melts with that compliment.

Why does that make her feel so good? She's already been declared physically attractive many times before. He's not telling her anything new. She already knows she's attractive. So why is she uplifted with this compliment?? Why are 10 compliments not enough? For some reason, she has to hear it again and again and again and again for her to believe it. And if she goes a week or so without hearing it or seeing evidence of it, she probably starts to doubt she's got it. Man, what slavery!

I've read psychology. The only thing I've ever read that makes sense of this phenomenon is Searching for God Knows What by Don Miller.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the same phenomenon could probably be applied to guy, who finds his identity in being "the smart guy.". .or whatever we find our identities in, really.

This actually hits a nerve with me, because I find as I progress on into my 30's (I'll be 34 this summer), that I'm more shallow than I thought I was. ;) I've always prided myself on being a low-maintainance girl, but I think ultimately I was satisfied with the way that I looked. It's good to have to look hard at identity issues. Is my identity in Christ? If so, then not looking like a 20 year old should be fine. erika :)

7:41 AM  

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