Unresolved Earwax concerns
I clean my ears out every other day...always with unsterilized objects. Is that above or below the normal human ear cleanage frequency?
I've heard that cotton swabs in the ears isn't healthy because it pushes the earwax back into the ear. Hopefully mythbusters will let me know.
When the wax comes out and its dark after being cooked at 98.6 degrees....how long as it been stuck up there? One week? Two weeks? A month?
I've yet to hear a sermon illustration involving earwax. It's got to be related to the Christian life somehow.
I've heard that cotton swabs in the ears isn't healthy because it pushes the earwax back into the ear. Hopefully mythbusters will let me know.
When the wax comes out and its dark after being cooked at 98.6 degrees....how long as it been stuck up there? One week? Two weeks? A month?
I've yet to hear a sermon illustration involving earwax. It's got to be related to the Christian life somehow.
I had to get my ears checked to fly this summer and was having trouble "popping" my ears. The flight surgeon proceeded to stick a long thin tool with a little loop on the end down my ear (what felt like an inch) and came out with a cubic centimeter of brownish earwax.
He said there were two causes of this, coldwater swimming, and sticking Q tips down your ear. Haven't used one since, the canals stay clean and now I can hear better too.
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