
Just passin' through

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Update on Martin

I get the question "How's life?" or "What are you doing these days?" or "What are you doing now that you've graduated?" pretty much daily. I hate that question mainly because it's such a hard and detailed question, yet it is almost always asked as simply a conversation starter (meaning they don't care THAT much). I'm very tempted to lie often and make up something, to entertain myself and make the question easier. Anyways here's an update on what's been going on in my life:

Job: At Snelling working in the stock room until the business venture I'm starting w/ my roommate gets going or gets denied (I will know in 3 to 7 weeks).

Roommates: They're different. But I'm glad I'm living with them. They drink a 6 pack/day which has caused me to drink 1.5/day.

Ladies: Still single. And no prospects.

Men: Still heterosexual. But I miss the Yellow House fellows.

Family: I still love them very much, but wish they would read my blog so they'd know that because I'm not good at telling them in person or out of person.
(they are all doing well. Dad's marriage is getting better; mom's more excited about her job and her newfound interest in Indelible Grace; Peter's making tons of money on ebay; Jonathan's busy)

Health: gained 8 freckles from recent Hilton Head trip meaning I'm that much closer to melanoma. On the bright side, I'm thoroughly enjoying my allergies.

Spiritual: I'm confused and depressed every morning. But there's a point almost every day where I love the fact that I belong to Jesus.

That's it. Later gators.

...and for my human readers, have a good day.


Blogger Aaron said...

hey man, i thought of yoou today when i was listening to some of the sermons from the desiring God conference.
check them out, they are great and THICK.

1:45 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

didnt get all the link

1:45 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

that should say

1:46 PM  

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