
Just passin' through

Monday, January 22, 2007

I want compromise, not war

One thing (yeah probably the only thing) I've never understood about women is the demand for the toilet seat to be put down. I could understand women preferring to not have to put the seat down themselves when they do their thing. And I would gladly serve and honor their request by keeping the seat down. However, the fact that this request makes their big top 10 complaints list, doesn't make sense. And here's my main reason why this is an unneccessary, counter-productive, you-don't-really-have-a-good-point complaint:

It would make more sense to demand the lid be up so you don't get splattered sprinklings of male urine on the toilet seat. If the toilet seat gets kept in the upright position, you'll at least have a clean one when it comes time to sit on it. If you demand they put it down, you run a great risk of getting a dirty one. And most guys unfortunately, will not clean up after themselves if the lid remains down. So basically by you demanding we put the toilet seat down you're saying "I'd rather have the seat down and possibly have to wipe your urine off of it than have the seat up and have to touch it to pull it down."

In light of this, I would recommend a more accurate complaint. Instead of writing notes, making signs, getting tattoos that say "Please Put the Seat Down", I think a wiser, more effective message would be "Please lift the seat up, then urinate, then put it back down for us. Thank you guys for being so awesome and manly."
(you forget about our chain-cutting tools)


Blogger Theresa Lerin said...

If I ever saw that picture of you with the banana monkey happen in real life, I would take that banana from you and NOT give it to the monkey, but rather, not give it to anyone. Maybe, I will tie a red ribbon around it, drop it down a hole in the ground and attach a note that says, "Here, Lucifer, I think you would like this."

4:46 PM  
Blogger Theresa Lerin said...

I'm sorry! I didn't mean to slay you. I hope you are un-slayed soon. (Although, fittingly, as a youth I watched most every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Nevermind, I digress.)

You always leave the toilet seat up after you are done at my apartment. DON'T THINK I DON'T NOTICE IT.

7:13 PM  
Blogger EAM said...

I will admit this once and only once: I was rooting for the Colts yesterday and silently happy they won. This will never be spoken of again.

Yes, you may have won the battle, but the war if far from over! (yes, I know what I just said)

7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never have the toilet seat up...i just aim well or deal with pissing on it

5:17 PM  

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