Things that have recently peeved me:
Peeve 1) That voicemail lady that comes on for 40 unneccessary seconds on every cell phone. Do I really need to be told that when I'm done leaving my message I can simply hang up? Oh thanks, I had no clue.
Peeve 2) Ever watched football highlights? The announcer/anchor will say "watch this amazing 30 yard run by Joe Runningback!" Then the camera angle they use is so zoomed in on the runningback that you can't see anything else. You can't see the guys he's juking, or how fast he's going, or the tackles he's breaking. They might as well just show me a person running on a treadmill with a football in their hands.

Peeve 3) I like dessert. All guys do. Yet guys are not allowed to gather together to eat said desserts or they will all be considered fruity, or fruitcakish if you will. If I call all my guy friends up and say come over and we'll all eat dessert and have a dessert party, I would get punched in the throat for my gayness. Don't jump to conclusions, I don't actually desire to have a dessert party...I don't swing that way. I just don't like how a dessert gathering would never fly even though there's nothing inherently gay about it.
Peeve 4)
Crappy items that stores put out to appeal to the gift giver around xmas time. For example, LOST, the board game. The only people who will buy that is the gift givers who think "well, he likes the TV show LOST, and he likes chess which is a board game, so he'll like this." Even if it is a half-way decent game, where are you going to find 4 to 8 players who are willing to play it with you? Basically, stores know that it's not a quality product, but that people will still buy it hoping that their nephew will like it.

Peeve 5)
Ungrateful ducks
Peeve 1) That voicemail lady that comes on for 40 unneccessary seconds on every cell phone. Do I really need to be told that when I'm done leaving my message I can simply hang up? Oh thanks, I had no clue.
Peeve 2) Ever watched football highlights? The announcer/anchor will say "watch this amazing 30 yard run by Joe Runningback!" Then the camera angle they use is so zoomed in on the runningback that you can't see anything else. You can't see the guys he's juking, or how fast he's going, or the tackles he's breaking. They might as well just show me a person running on a treadmill with a football in their hands.

Peeve 3) I like dessert. All guys do. Yet guys are not allowed to gather together to eat said desserts or they will all be considered fruity, or fruitcakish if you will. If I call all my guy friends up and say come over and we'll all eat dessert and have a dessert party, I would get punched in the throat for my gayness. Don't jump to conclusions, I don't actually desire to have a dessert party...I don't swing that way. I just don't like how a dessert gathering would never fly even though there's nothing inherently gay about it.
Peeve 4)
Crappy items that stores put out to appeal to the gift giver around xmas time. For example, LOST, the board game. The only people who will buy that is the gift givers who think "well, he likes the TV show LOST, and he likes chess which is a board game, so he'll like this." Even if it is a half-way decent game, where are you going to find 4 to 8 players who are willing to play it with you? Basically, stores know that it's not a quality product, but that people will still buy it hoping that their nephew will like it.

Peeve 5)
Ungrateful ducks

I hate ducks like that. They totally do exist. And I saw that board game today while Christmas shopping for my father. I did not purchase it though, because I am not a tool.
Hey, Martin, the cell phone racket is to make sure you have to go over the one-minute call...and rack up an extra minute of air time. It really annoys me, not just for the length, but for the purpose, too. Also, several carriers have figured out that we know how to press "1" as soon as it picks up to bypass the message and get to the beep, so now some carriers have changed it (like Ethan Payne's) so that, if you press "1", it adds, "That is not an available option. Please press one of the following, or wait for the beep"...and THEN starts OVER at the beginning again.
Don't like that at all.
I always hated fruitcake. In my experience guys can only enjoy desserts in a social setting when females are present.
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